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Chemical industry

Titanium white powder, dyestuffs, pigment,intermediates , auxiliary agent, basic chemicals, filling compound , silicic acid, catalyst , agar gelatin, soap, tristearin , mercury, arsenide, cyanide, the rayon , glycerine, pesticide, carbon white, sodium sulphate, manganese sulfate , nickel sulphate , ferric hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, sodiumhydroxide, concentrated soup, chromic hydroxide , barium chloride , zinc chloride , manganese chloride , sodium chloride , potassium chloride , aluminum phosphide , calcium hypochlorite , sodium carbonate , calcium carbonate , amine salt, starch


Tailings,cleaned coal,acid clay,bentonite,kaolin,ceramics,cement,clay.

Environmental protection

Metro waste water,desthio waste water,chemical industry waste water,electric plating waste water,mining waste water,daily-life waste water,water works waste water,steel mill waste water,dust removal waste water,leather waste water,dye printing waste water,port sludge,red mud,brine sludge,carbide slag,gypsum,spent acid recovery,gold mine reject,bio-waste water

Food processing industry

Malt wort,port wine,rice wine,distilled grain,whisky,barm, fruice and pectin,albumen,edible oil,palm oil,kernel oil,vegetable butter,soya sauce,beet sugar,cane sugar,crude sugar,molasses,starch,agar gelatin,concentrated soup

Metallurgical industry

Gold , platinum , uranium , cobalt , nickel , zinc , manganese , copper,iron sand,carbide slag,gypsum,spent acid recovery,gold mine reject

Medical industry

Zymin,amino acid ,antibiotics,medical intermediates,bulk drug,Chinese patent medicine
,blood prreparation

Other industries

Building materials,petroleum

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All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet GoldTrust
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